version: Abiquo 2.3.X
component: hypervisor, Remote Services
Commonly, in POC scenarios you may use virtualized hypervisors.
If you try to deploy a virtual appliance into a virtualized KVM and this error is appearing on the catalina.out log:
16:38:43.932 ERROR c.a.tarantino.actors.SessionActor - DatacenterJob 64a710ab-b810-4962-b32c-4415ad394b76.735e8aff-5da7-49e4-839e-38bc50d05ca5 fail for virtual machine ABQ_8d21e0be-c887-4362-8cf4-ee105a1a7cc0 in hypervisor qemu+tcp://KVM-IP/system?no_tty=1
com.abiquo.tarantino.errors.VirtualFactoryException: Error configuring virtual machine
internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'
You probably are missing an Abiquo property to allow PC emulation.
Review /opt/abiquo/config/ file and ensure that abiquo.virtualfactory.kvm.fullVirt property is set to False.
If the property does not exist, add it in the Remote Services configuration section and restart abiquo-tomcat service.
Have a look to the Abiquo Properties page in the Wiki for more information.