Abiquo v3.1.4 Now Available

Abiquo V3.1.4 is now available for installation. This is an update for Abiquo V3.1, V3.1.1, V3.1.2. and V3.1.3. Remember that with the current update system, previous bugfixing releases (3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3,1,3) are not required to apply the upgrade. However, when upgrading from a version other than the latest bugfixing version, you must upgrade all affected servers.

Abiquo v3.1.4 contains the following bug fixes:


  • 7908 - Modify ChangeStateEventHandler behavior to force the refresh of the virtual machine state in Abiquo after successful task completion to improve user experience
  • 7863 - Fix drag&drop and double-click for touch devices
  • 7861 - Paginator in lists on left-hand side menus overlaps with arrows if there are more than 4 pages
  • 7860 - Persistent selection view does not use pagination, so only the first 25 templates are shown


V3.1.4 is available now and can be accessed via yum update. If you are upgrading from a version other than the latest bugfixing version, you must upgrade all servers affected by upgrades. For example, to upgrade from V3.1.3, you only need to upgrade the API/UI server. To upgrade from V3.1.1, you must also upgrade the Remote Services and Database servers. Full release notes including details of how to apply V3.1.4 are available on our wiki page:

http://wiki.abiquo.com/display/ABI31/Release+Notes+for+Abiquo+3.1.4 http://wiki.abiquo.com/display/ABI31/Upgrade+to+Abiquo+3.1.x+patch+versions

Also, don't forget to import the new RPM sign key with the following command:

rpm --import http://mirror.abiquo.com/RPM-GPG-RSA-KEY-Abiquo



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