Abiquo V2.6.3 is now available for download. This is a fix and update for Abiquo V2.6.2, which is a pre-requisite for this installation. Abiquo V2.6.3 contains the following improvements
- 6456 - Detect VM move events when the target datastore is not in the Abiquo database
Fixes included are
6236 - VM storage that is VMotioned to a datastore that is not listed in Abiquo (because the datastore list has not been refreshed) becomes NOT_ALLOCATED
6276 - (Documentation) Accounting information for 2.6 public datacenters is not updated
6356 - Storage System Manager is sending management IP instead of service IP to Business Process Manager (V2V Server).
6387 - vCenter - deploy fails when copyVirtualDisk takes longer than 30 minutes
6478 - Not possible to upload template through GUI when SSL is enabled for connection to Appliance Manager. Abiquo has tested the fix with the configuration described in Apache Frontend #AddingSSLtoAM
6504 - ESX cannot retrieve virtual machines with 10 NICs or 10 disks
6610 - Random shutdown of connection to RabbitMQ
V2.6.3 is available now and can be downloaded from
password: tCs3125