In Abiquo we are working hard to constantly improve in each release and anticipate to future problems. Is for this, that in last mouths we have been improving (and continue improving) our development cycle in order to find the excellence in the product and help you to grow with us.
Inside these actions we have periodical internal reviews about solved or pending bugs in customer portal, trying to mix them with other internal issues detected in our testing processes. This allows us to see problems in perspective and try to detect problems that can affect to you and we have to prioritize.
We are going to be transparent and open in order to maintain everybody involved on results, improvements or actions implemented to mitigate problems.
This week we want to announce that in this work we have encountered a situation where errors appears periodically on deploys/undeploys and reconfigures that generate circumstances where abiquo generates a false error to the user or generate problems with reconfigure. We are aware on that and we have an engineering team working on that.
But I want to share with all of you a document that tries to explain the details, investigations done, workarounds that can be applied to mitigate the problem.
Feel free to ask. We are going to maintain you informed about the status of the fix